Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Big Picture

    I'm sitting at a coffee shop right now working on homework.  I figured I would take a study break.
    Its funny, my life is all over the place right now, literally.  I still haven't quite made sense of how I'm going to get done what I need to get done in this next month, but oh well.  There is a verse in the Bible that says, "Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Luckily, this verse alleviates my need for understanding how everything is going to work out.  
    The Bible teaches that when you are in Christ, one of the benefits is peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding.  It's a pretty sweet package if you think about it.  It's a divine exchange, your anxiety for His rest. 
    Peace is not something very many people have these days if you look around.  It's quite the opposite - we cling to anxiety.  People worry themselves to death about the economy, about school, about work, about how they are going to make it, about the future.  Even the thought of being at peace is overwhelming to some.  
     When you begin to understand truly what it means that God is with you, things don't seem to be as big of a deal anymore.  Relationship issues, financial issues, getting sick, not knowing what the future will unfold... none of these things really phase me anymore like they used to. When I take a minute to sit down and think about where I'm going , nothing else really matters.  This isn't it, so don't cling on to it so desperately.  
     So I challenge you today to look  above your circumstances, and not focus on what is in front of you, but on the promises of God for your life, where we have the blessed assurance of peace, hope, healing, and prosperity, and much much more.   It's truth.  


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Perfect Comes, Partial Fades

Sometimes we go through seasons where things in our lives seem like they are incomplete or lacking. These seasons can last a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months if you're really lucky.

Maybe you're kind of satisfied with where you are in life. Maybe you are kind of blessed by God, but not really. Maybe you are just sort of getting by in life. Maybe you have been healed a little bit by the Lord, but not completely restored. Maybe you do have some dreams, but they are a blur and you don't really have the vision to see them come about. Maybe you sort of have an idea of what love is, but you feel like no one sees you.

God's nature is wholesome, not partial. In 1 Corinthians, it says, "when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away." Wow, what hope we have! Partial happiness, partial healing, partial finances, and partial living will be done away with and the perfect blessing God intended will be upon you. It's a promise. Hold on to it.

