Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two For Five....

So this morning I was in class and got a sweet text from my friend Jeff.  As you know, we've been praying for five sick people we know, three times each day. Today, sick person number two was healed.  

Meet Emillie Ronquillo,  a beautiful five year old girl who has suffered from multiple tumors throughout her body. She has made many trips to Children's Hospital for chemotherapy treatments.   I received an email reguarding her condition this morning: 

"Hello Everyone, today is a celebration for me and my family.  I would like to shasre the good news we received from Emillie's doctor Yesterday.  Emillie will not have to complete her chemo treatments because her tumors are "gone".  God is good and has hear our cry to him to heal her.  Emillie will still be monitored for years to come, as this disorder can return, but your prayers have been strong and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your thoughts and prayers.

-Rebecca Ronquillo"

"The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning." Lamentations 3:22

Two healed, three more to go baby!


Monday, February 23, 2009

No Time To Scratch

Last night, I got to watch the movie Taken.  If you are reading this, you need to stop what you are doing, go buy yourself a movie ticket and watch it.  If I had three thumbs, I would put them up, but two will have to do for now.  I am consumed by adrenaline at the moment and feel the need to punch something.  Liam Nelson is the man! Parental Discretion Advised of course.  

Friday, February 20, 2009

By His Wounds We Are Healed

Isaiah 53:5 says, "But He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought our peace was on Him, and by his wounds we are healed."

Believing this verse to be true, my friend Jeff and I have made a decision that everyday at 7am, noon, and 7pm that we are going to pray for some sick people we know. I have a reminder set up on my phone to remind me everyday in case I forget. Pretty crazy, I know. But hey, I'd rather be crazy for Christ than sane for nothing.

Meet Jeff's aunt Lynn, one of the people we have been praying for. She was recently diagnosed with cancer. I received this email today forwarded from Lynn's family:

Today at UCLA we were NOT expecting the results of the P.E.T./CT scan of last Friday to be what we heard:

"Your scan was clean!"

"You are a Miracle!" - 3 times she said (the nurse practitioner) before we met with the doctor who confirmed...

We are still going for a Cure, she said!

Of course she still needs the stem-cell transplant, and has 75%+ collected as of now, so it looks like the docs will put their collective heads together Monday and decide the best way to collect the remaining...probably the 'old fashioned way' of going into the bone marrow to get them...

(the collection process up til now has been to separate them from the blood, in the new, relatively easy and painless way)

All this to say, she is not out of the woods by any means, and will undoubtedly need the good Lord's continued hand, and your prayers...

Thank you & may God bless YOU in your struggles, whatever they might be!

By His wounds, we are healed. This is just the beginning. To the man with faith, no explanation is necessary. to the man without faith, no explanation is possible.

Gloria Dios!,


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back in Black's been a while. I apologize for those who read my blog, I didn't think there were very many of ya'll. I was shocked when I saw that this page had 375 hits! I guess I gotta give the people what they want :)

Well, everything's new. I have had alot on my mind the past few months, some good stuff, and some heavy stuff. Life is all over the place right now . I've got quite a bit going on right now with school, work, church, cell group, different bands and all. I almost started a dodgeball tem, but I couldn't make it happen this quarter (maybe next time). Though things are a bit hectic, I'm busy with the good stuff, which makes life good. My heart is beating for something greater than myself at the moment and I'm stoked to see what God's got in store for this new season.

By the way, we've got a website now ( that you should check out right now!

Happy Valentines Day,

