Friday, March 6, 2009

A wrinkle in time

Well, I just got out of the shower, but I didn't have any dry clothes.  So I thought I might jot some thoughts down while I wait for my clothes to dry.  

 So, I've been reflecting, and life is pretty sweet right now, here are some of the highlights:
- School is almost over.  
- In two hours, I get to meet the owner of a company I'm trying to work for when I graduate.  
- The band is playing twice next week, and we may actually go on tour in two months.
- I just found out one of my friend's brothers got completely healed of schizophrenia.
- They just opened a new frozen yogurt place right around the block from my house, and their yogurt is scrumptulescent.
- Since yesterday, I have been very consistent in my new diet.
- My little sister and I have been working on a science project for the last few months, and we...   I mean she,  got an "Excellent" on it. 

I will keep you updated on things to come.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

does the new yogurt shop put a wrinkle in your efforts to stay on your new diet? it would for me...haha :)
